Welcome to the documentation of discord.io.

Discord.io is a pre-alpha, bug-prone, and low-level Discord wrapper for Python.

Scope for the Framework#

We’re aspiring to not just become a library or wrapper for Discord Bots, but a framework.

This means one framework of libraries built by discord.io to provide a truely uplifting experience.

This also means to us being open for modification, hence the implementation of our impls. They work as a way to implement your own versions of our cache, models, etc. Although, they are still in early conception and may be redone/removed later on.


Currently we have no Guide. But stay tuned! We’ll be working on one later…


Discord.io provides an index of its entire API for users to peruse. This details the specifics of classes and other objects such as their functions, parameters, etc.


We provide a full detailed changelog of most things that happened since version 0.8.0.