Source code for discord.colour

# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from __future__ import annotations

import colorsys
import random
from typing import Any, TypeVar

__all__ = (

CT = TypeVar("CT", bound="Colour")

[docs]class Colour: """Represents a Discord role colour. This class is similar to a (red, green, blue) :class:`tuple`. There is an alias for this called Color. .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two colours are equal. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two colours are not equal. .. describe:: hash(x) Return the colour's hash. .. describe:: str(x) Returns the hex format for the colour. .. describe:: int(x) Returns the raw colour value. Attributes ---------- value: :class:`int` The raw integer colour value. """ __slots__ = ("value",) def __init__(self, value: int): if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError( f"Expected int parameter, received {value.__class__.__name__} instead." ) self.value: int = value def _get_byte(self, byte: int) -> int: return (self.value >> (8 * byte)) & 0xFF def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return isinstance(other, Colour) and self.value == other.value def __str__(self) -> str: return f"#{self.value:0>6x}" def __int__(self) -> int: return self.value def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Colour value={self.value}>" def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.value) @property def r(self) -> int: """Returns the red component of the colour.""" return self._get_byte(2) @property def g(self) -> int: """Returns the green component of the colour.""" return self._get_byte(1) @property def b(self) -> int: """Returns the blue component of the colour.""" return self._get_byte(0)
[docs] def to_rgb(self) -> tuple[int, int, int]: """Returns an (r, g, b) tuple representing the colour.""" return self.r, self.g, self.b
[docs] @classmethod def from_rgb(cls: type[CT], r: int, g: int, b: int) -> CT: """Constructs a :class:`Colour` from an RGB tuple.""" return cls((r << 16) + (g << 8) + b)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hsv(cls: type[CT], h: float, s: float, v: float) -> CT: """Constructs a :class:`Colour` from an HSV tuple.""" rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) return cls.from_rgb(*(int(x * 255) for x in rgb))
[docs] @classmethod def default(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0``.""" return cls(0)
[docs] @classmethod def random( cls: type[CT], *, seed: int | str | float | bytes | bytearray | None = None, ) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a random hue. .. note:: The random algorithm works by choosing a colour with a random hue but with maxed out saturation and value. .. versionadded:: 1.6 Parameters ---------- seed: Optional[Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`float`, :class:`bytes`, :class:`bytearray`]] The seed to initialize the RNG with. If ``None`` is passed the default RNG is used. .. versionadded:: 1.7 """ rand = random if seed is None else random.Random(seed) return cls.from_hsv(rand.random(), 1, 1)
[docs] @classmethod def teal(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x1abc9c``.""" return cls(0x1ABC9C)
[docs] @classmethod def dark_teal(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x11806a``.""" return cls(0x11806A)
[docs] @classmethod def brand_green(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x57F287``. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ return cls(0x57F287)
[docs] @classmethod def green(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x2ecc71``.""" return cls(0x2ECC71)
[docs] @classmethod def dark_green(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x1f8b4c``.""" return cls(0x1F8B4C)
[docs] @classmethod def blue(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x3498db``.""" return cls(0x3498DB)
[docs] @classmethod def dark_blue(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x206694``.""" return cls(0x206694)
[docs] @classmethod def purple(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x9b59b6``.""" return cls(0x9B59B6)
[docs] @classmethod def dark_purple(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x71368a``.""" return cls(0x71368A)
[docs] @classmethod def magenta(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0xe91e63``.""" return cls(0xE91E63)
[docs] @classmethod def dark_magenta(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0xad1457``.""" return cls(0xAD1457)
[docs] @classmethod def gold(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0xf1c40f``.""" return cls(0xF1C40F)
[docs] @classmethod def dark_gold(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0xc27c0e``.""" return cls(0xC27C0E)
[docs] @classmethod def orange(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0xe67e22``.""" return cls(0xE67E22)
[docs] @classmethod def dark_orange(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0xa84300``.""" return cls(0xA84300)
[docs] @classmethod def brand_red(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0xED4245``. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ return cls(0xED4245)
[docs] @classmethod def red(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0xe74c3c``.""" return cls(0xE74C3C)
[docs] @classmethod def dark_red(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x992d22``.""" return cls(0x992D22)
[docs] @classmethod def lighter_grey(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x95a5a6``.""" return cls(0x95A5A6)
lighter_gray = lighter_grey
[docs] @classmethod def dark_grey(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x607d8b``.""" return cls(0x607D8B)
dark_gray = dark_grey
[docs] @classmethod def light_grey(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x979c9f``.""" return cls(0x979C9F)
light_gray = light_grey
[docs] @classmethod def darker_grey(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x546e7a``.""" return cls(0x546E7A)
darker_gray = darker_grey
[docs] @classmethod def og_blurple(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x7289da``.""" return cls(0x7289DA)
[docs] @classmethod def blurple(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x5865F2``.""" return cls(0x5865F2)
[docs] @classmethod def greyple(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x99aab5``.""" return cls(0x99AAB5)
[docs] @classmethod def dark_theme(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x36393F``. This will appear transparent on Discord's dark theme. .. versionadded:: 1.5 """ return cls(0x36393F)
[docs] @classmethod def fuchsia(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0xEB459E``. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ return cls(0xEB459E)
[docs] @classmethod def yellow(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0xFEE75C``. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ return cls(0xFEE75C)
[docs] @classmethod def nitro_pink(cls: type[CT]) -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0xf47fff``. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ return cls(0xF47FFF)
[docs] @classmethod def embed_background(cls: type[CT], theme: str = "dark") -> CT: """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` corresponding to the embed colours on discord clients, with a value of: - ``0x2B2D31`` (dark) - ``0xEEEFF1`` (light) - ``0x000000`` (amoled). .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ---------- theme: :class:`str` The theme colour to apply, must be one of "dark", "light", or "amoled". """ themes_cls = { "dark": 0x2B2D31, "light": 0xEEEFF1, "amoled": 0x000000, } if theme not in themes_cls: raise TypeError('Theme must be "dark", "light", or "amoled".') return cls(themes_cls[theme])
Color = Colour