Source code for discord.commands.options

# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, Optional, Type, Union

from import GuildChannel, Mentionable
from import (
from ..enums import ChannelType
from ..enums import Enum as DiscordEnum
from ..enums import SlashCommandOptionType
from ..utils import MISSING

    from ..ext.commands import Converter
    from ..member import Member
    from ..message import Attachment
    from ..role import Role
    from ..user import User

    InputType = Union[

__all__ = (

    TextChannel: ChannelType.text,
    VoiceChannel: ChannelType.voice,
    StageChannel: ChannelType.stage_voice,
    CategoryChannel: ChannelType.category,
    Thread: ChannelType.public_thread,
    DMChannel: ChannelType.private,

[docs]class ThreadOption: """Represents a class that can be passed as the ``input_type`` for an :class:`Option` class. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ---------- thread_type: Literal["public", "private", "news"] The thread type to expect for this options input. """ def __init__(self, thread_type: Literal["public", "private", "news"]): type_map = { "public": ChannelType.public_thread, "private": ChannelType.private_thread, "news": ChannelType.news_thread, } self._type = type_map[thread_type]
[docs]class Option: """Represents a selectable option for a slash command. Attributes ---------- input_type: Union[Type[:class:`str`], Type[:class:`bool`], Type[:class:`int`], Type[:class:`float`], Type[:class:`.abc.GuildChannel`], Type[:class:`Thread`], Type[:class:`Member`], Type[:class:`User`], Type[:class:`Attachment`], Type[:class:`Role`], Type[:class:`.abc.Mentionable`], :class:`SlashCommandOptionType`, Type[:class:`.ext.commands.Converter`], Type[:class:`enums.Enum`], Type[:class:`Enum`]] The type of input that is expected for this option. This can be a :class:`SlashCommandOptionType`, an associated class, a channel type, a :class:`Converter`, a converter class or an :class:`enum.Enum`. name: :class:`str` The name of this option visible in the UI. Inherits from the variable name if not provided as a parameter. description: Optional[:class:`str`] The description of this option. Must be 100 characters or fewer. choices: Optional[List[Union[:class:`Any`, :class:`OptionChoice`]]] The list of available choices for this option. Can be a list of values or :class:`OptionChoice` objects (which represent a name:value pair). If provided, the input from the user must match one of the choices in the list. required: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether this option is required. default: Optional[:class:`Any`] The default value for this option. If provided, ``required`` will be considered ``False``. min_value: Optional[:class:`int`] The minimum value that can be entered. Only applies to Options with an :attr:`.input_type` of :class:`int` or :class:`float`. max_value: Optional[:class:`int`] The maximum value that can be entered. Only applies to Options with an :attr:`.input_type` of :class:`int` or :class:`float`. min_length: Optional[:class:`int`] The minimum length of the string that can be entered. Must be between 0 and 6000 (inclusive). Only applies to Options with an :attr:`input_type` of :class:`str`. max_length: Optional[:class:`int`] The maximum length of the string that can be entered. Must be between 1 and 6000 (inclusive). Only applies to Options with an :attr:`input_type` of :class:`str`. autocomplete: Optional[:class:`Any`] The autocomplete handler for the option. Accepts an iterable of :class:`str` or :class:`OptionChoice`, a callable (sync or async) that takes a single argument of :class:`AutocompleteContext`, or a coroutine. Must resolve to an iterable of :class:`str` or :class:`OptionChoice`. .. note:: Does not validate the input value against the autocomplete results. channel_types: list[:class:`discord.ChannelType`] | None A list of channel types that can be selected in this option. Only applies to Options with an :attr:`input_type` of :class:``. If this argument is used, :attr:`input_type` will be ignored. name_localizations: Dict[:class:`str`, :class:`str`] The name localizations for this option. The values of this should be ``"locale": "name"``. See `here <>`_ for a list of valid locales. description_localizations: Dict[:class:`str`, :class:`str`] The description localizations for this option. The values of this should be ``"locale": "description"``. See `here <>`_ for a list of valid locales. Examples -------- Basic usage: :: @bot.slash_command(guild_ids=[...]) async def hello( ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, name: Option(str, "Enter your name"), age: Option(int, "Enter your age", min_value=1, max_value=99, default=18) # passing the default value makes an argument optional # you also can create optional argument using: # age: Option(int, "Enter your age") = 18 ): await ctx.respond(f"Hello! Your name is {name} and you are {age} years old.") .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ input_type: SlashCommandOptionType converter: Converter | type[Converter] | None = None def __init__( self, input_type: InputType = str, /, description: str | None = None, **kwargs ) -> None: str | None = kwargs.pop("name", None) if is not None: = str( self._parameter_name = # default self._raw_type: InputType | tuple = input_type enum_choices = [] input_type_is_class = isinstance(input_type, type) if input_type_is_class and issubclass(input_type, (Enum, DiscordEnum)): if description is None: description = inspect.getdoc(input_type) enum_choices = [OptionChoice(, e.value) for e in input_type] value_class = enum_choices[0].value.__class__ if all(isinstance(elem.value, value_class) for elem in enum_choices): input_type = SlashCommandOptionType.from_datatype( enum_choices[0].value.__class__ ) else: enum_choices = [OptionChoice(, str(e.value)) for e in input_type] input_type = SlashCommandOptionType.string self.description = description or "No description provided" self.channel_types: list[ChannelType] = kwargs.pop("channel_types", []) if isinstance(input_type, SlashCommandOptionType): self.input_type = input_type else: from ..ext.commands import Converter if ( isinstance(input_type, Converter) or input_type_is_class and issubclass(input_type, Converter) ): self.converter = input_type self._raw_type = str self.input_type = SlashCommandOptionType.string else: try: self.input_type = SlashCommandOptionType.from_datatype(input_type) except TypeError as exc: from ..ext.commands.converter import CONVERTER_MAPPING if input_type not in CONVERTER_MAPPING: raise exc self.converter = CONVERTER_MAPPING[input_type] self._raw_type = str self.input_type = SlashCommandOptionType.string else: if self.input_type == if not isinstance(self._raw_type, tuple): if hasattr(input_type, "__args__"): self._raw_type = input_type.__args__ # type: ignore # Union.__args__ else: self._raw_type = (input_type,) if not self.channel_types: self.channel_types = [ CHANNEL_TYPE_MAP[t] for t in self._raw_type if t is not GuildChannel ] self.required: bool = ( kwargs.pop("required", True) if "default" not in kwargs else False ) self.default = kwargs.pop("default", None) self.choices: list[OptionChoice] = enum_choices or [ o if isinstance(o, OptionChoice) else OptionChoice(o) for o in kwargs.pop("choices", []) ] if self.input_type == SlashCommandOptionType.integer: minmax_types = (int, type(None)) minmax_typehint = Optional[int] elif self.input_type == SlashCommandOptionType.number: minmax_types = (int, float, type(None)) minmax_typehint = Optional[Union[int, float]] else: minmax_types = (type(None),) minmax_typehint = type(None) if self.input_type == SlashCommandOptionType.string: minmax_length_types = (int, type(None)) minmax_length_typehint = Optional[int] else: minmax_length_types = (type(None),) minmax_length_typehint = type(None) self.min_value: int | float | None = kwargs.pop("min_value", None) self.max_value: int | float | None = kwargs.pop("max_value", None) self.min_length: int | None = kwargs.pop("min_length", None) self.max_length: int | None = kwargs.pop("max_length", None) if ( self.input_type != SlashCommandOptionType.integer and self.input_type != SlashCommandOptionType.number and (self.min_value or self.max_value) ): raise AttributeError( "Option does not take min_value or max_value if not of type " "SlashCommandOptionType.integer or SlashCommandOptionType.number" ) if self.input_type != SlashCommandOptionType.string and ( self.min_length or self.max_length ): raise AttributeError( "Option does not take min_length or max_length if not of type str" ) if self.min_value is not None and not isinstance(self.min_value, minmax_types): raise TypeError( f"Expected {minmax_typehint} for min_value, got" f' "{type(self.min_value).__name__}"' ) if self.max_value is not None and not isinstance(self.max_value, minmax_types): raise TypeError( f"Expected {minmax_typehint} for max_value, got" f' "{type(self.max_value).__name__}"' ) if self.min_length is not None: if not isinstance(self.min_length, minmax_length_types): raise TypeError( f"Expected {minmax_length_typehint} for min_length," f' got "{type(self.min_length).__name__}"' ) if self.min_length < 0 or self.min_length > 6000: raise AttributeError( "min_length must be between 0 and 6000 (inclusive)" ) if self.max_length is not None: if not isinstance(self.max_length, minmax_length_types): raise TypeError( f"Expected {minmax_length_typehint} for max_length," f' got "{type(self.max_length).__name__}"' ) if self.max_length < 1 or self.max_length > 6000: raise AttributeError("max_length must between 1 and 6000 (inclusive)") self.autocomplete = kwargs.pop("autocomplete", None) self.name_localizations = kwargs.pop("name_localizations", MISSING) self.description_localizations = kwargs.pop( "description_localizations", MISSING ) def to_dict(self) -> dict: as_dict = { "name":, "description": self.description, "type": self.input_type.value, "required": self.required, "choices": [c.to_dict() for c in self.choices], "autocomplete": bool(self.autocomplete), } if self.name_localizations is not MISSING: as_dict["name_localizations"] = self.name_localizations if self.description_localizations is not MISSING: as_dict["description_localizations"] = self.description_localizations if self.channel_types: as_dict["channel_types"] = [t.value for t in self.channel_types] if self.min_value is not None: as_dict["min_value"] = self.min_value if self.max_value is not None: as_dict["max_value"] = self.max_value if self.min_length is not None: as_dict["min_length"] = self.min_length if self.max_length is not None: as_dict["max_length"] = self.max_length return as_dict def __repr__(self): return f"<discord.commands.{self.__class__.__name__} name={}>"
[docs]class OptionChoice: """ Represents a name:value pairing for a selected :class:`.Option`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Attributes ---------- name: :class:`str` The name of the choice. Shown in the UI when selecting an option. value: Optional[Union[:class:`str`, :class:`int`, :class:`float`]] The value of the choice. If not provided, will use the value of ``name``. name_localizations: Dict[:class:`str`, :class:`str`] The name localizations for this choice. The values of this should be ``"locale": "name"``. See `here <>`_ for a list of valid locales. """ def __init__( self, name: str, value: str | int | float | None = None, name_localizations: dict[str, str] = MISSING, ): = str(name) self.value = value if value is not None else name self.name_localizations = name_localizations def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, str | int | float]: as_dict = {"name":, "value": self.value} if self.name_localizations is not MISSING: as_dict["name_localizations"] = self.name_localizations return as_dict
[docs]def option(name, type=None, **kwargs): """A decorator that can be used instead of typehinting :class:`.Option`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Attributes ---------- parameter_name: :class:`str` The name of the target parameter this option is mapped to. This allows you to have a separate UI ``name`` and parameter name. """ def decorator(func): nonlocal type type = type or func.__annotations__.get(name, str) if parameter := kwargs.get("parameter_name"): func.__annotations__[parameter] = Option(type, name=name, **kwargs) else: func.__annotations__[name] = Option(type, **kwargs) return func return decorator