Source code for discord.ext.pages.pagination

# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List

import discord
from discord.ext.bridge import BridgeContext
from discord.ext.commands import Context

__all__ = (

[docs]class PaginatorButton(discord.ui.Button): """Creates a button used to navigate the paginator. Parameters ---------- button_type: :class:`str` The type of button being created. Must be one of ``first``, ``prev``, ``next``, ``last``, or ``page_indicator``. label: :class:`str` The label shown on the button. Defaults to a capitalized version of ``button_type`` (e.g. "Next", "Prev", etc.) emoji: Union[:class:`str`, :class:`discord.Emoji`, :class:`discord.PartialEmoji`] The emoji shown on the button in front of the label. disabled: :class:`bool` Whether to initially show the button as disabled. loop_label: :class:`str` The label shown on the button when ``loop_pages`` is set to ``True`` in the Paginator class. Attributes ---------- paginator: :class:`Paginator` The paginator class where this button is being used. Assigned to the button when ``Paginator.add_button`` is called. """ def __init__( self, button_type: str, label: str = None, emoji: str | discord.Emoji | discord.PartialEmoji = None, style: discord.ButtonStyle =, disabled: bool = False, custom_id: str = None, row: int = 0, loop_label: str = None, ): super().__init__( label=label if label or emoji else button_type.capitalize(), emoji=emoji, style=style, disabled=disabled, custom_id=custom_id, row=row, ) self.button_type = button_type self.label = label if label or emoji else button_type.capitalize() self.emoji: str | discord.Emoji | discord.PartialEmoji = emoji = style self.disabled = disabled self.loop_label = self.label if not loop_label else loop_label self.paginator = None
[docs] async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): """|coro| The coroutine that is called when the navigation button is clicked. Parameters ---------- interaction: :class:`discord.Interaction` The interaction created by clicking the navigation button. """ if self.button_type == "first": self.paginator.current_page = 0 elif self.button_type == "prev": if self.paginator.loop_pages and self.paginator.current_page == 0: self.paginator.current_page = self.paginator.page_count else: self.paginator.current_page -= 1 elif self.button_type == "next": if ( self.paginator.loop_pages and self.paginator.current_page == self.paginator.page_count ): self.paginator.current_page = 0 else: self.paginator.current_page += 1 elif self.button_type == "last": self.paginator.current_page = self.paginator.page_count await self.paginator.goto_page( page_number=self.paginator.current_page, interaction=interaction )
[docs]class Page: """Represents a page shown in the paginator. Allows for directly referencing and modifying each page as a class instance. Parameters ---------- content: :class:`str` The content of the page. Corresponds to the :class:`discord.Message.content` attribute. embeds: Optional[List[Union[List[:class:`discord.Embed`], :class:`discord.Embed`]]] The embeds of the page. Corresponds to the :class:`discord.Message.embeds` attribute. files: Optional[List[:class:`discord.File`]] A list of local files to be shown with the page. custom_view: Optional[:class:`discord.ui.View`] The custom view shown when the page is visible. Overrides the `custom_view` attribute of the main paginator. """ def __init__( self, content: str | None = None, embeds: list[list[discord.Embed] | discord.Embed] | None = None, custom_view: discord.ui.View | None = None, files: list[discord.File] | None = None, **kwargs, ): if content is None and embeds is None: raise discord.InvalidArgument( "A page cannot have both content and embeds equal to None." ) self._content = content self._embeds = embeds or [] self._custom_view = custom_view self._files = files or []
[docs] async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction | None = None): """|coro| The coroutine associated to a specific page. If `Paginator.page_action()` is used, this coroutine is called. Parameters ---------- interaction: Optional[:class:`discord.Interaction`] The interaction associated with the callback, if any. """
[docs] def update_files(self) -> list[discord.File] | None: """Updates :class:`discord.File` objects so that they can be sent multiple times. This is called internally each time the page is sent. """ for file in self._files: if file.fp.closed and (fn := getattr(file.fp, "name", None)): file.fp = open(fn, "rb") file.reset() file.fp.close = lambda: None return self._files
@property def content(self) -> str | None: """Gets the content for the page.""" return self._content @content.setter def content(self, value: str | None): """Sets the content for the page.""" self._content = value @property def embeds(self) -> list[list[discord.Embed] | discord.Embed] | None: """Gets the embeds for the page.""" return self._embeds @embeds.setter def embeds(self, value: list[list[discord.Embed] | discord.Embed] | None): """Sets the embeds for the page.""" self._embeds = value @property def custom_view(self) -> discord.ui.View | None: """Gets the custom view assigned to the page.""" return self._custom_view @custom_view.setter def custom_view(self, value: discord.ui.View | None): """Assigns a custom view to be shown when the page is displayed.""" self._custom_view = value @property def files(self) -> list[discord.File] | None: """Gets the files associated with the page.""" return self._files @files.setter def files(self, value: list[discord.File] | None): """Sets the files associated with the page.""" self._files = value
[docs]class PageGroup: """Creates a group of pages which the user can switch between. Each group of pages can have its own options, custom buttons, custom views, etc. .. note:: If multiple :class:`PageGroup` objects have different options, they should all be set explicitly when creating each instance. Parameters ---------- pages: Union[List[:class:`str`], List[:class:`Page`], List[Union[List[:class:`discord.Embed`], :class:`discord.Embed`]]] The list of :class:`Page` objects, strings, embeds, or list of embeds to include in the page group. label: :class:`str` The label shown on the corresponding PaginatorMenu dropdown option. Also used as the SelectOption value. description: Optional[:class:`str`] The description shown on the corresponding PaginatorMenu dropdown option. emoji: Union[:class:`str`, :class:`discord.Emoji`, :class:`discord.PartialEmoji`] The emoji shown on the corresponding PaginatorMenu dropdown option. default: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether the page group should be the default page group initially shown when the paginator response is sent. Only one ``PageGroup`` can be the default page group. show_disabled: :class:`bool` Whether to show disabled buttons. show_indicator: :class:`bool` Whether to show the page indicator when using the default buttons. author_check: :class:`bool` Whether only the original user of the command can change pages. disable_on_timeout: :class:`bool` Whether the buttons get disabled when the paginator view times out. use_default_buttons: :class:`bool` Whether to use the default buttons (i.e. ``first``, ``prev``, ``page_indicator``, ``next``, ``last``) default_button_row: :class:`int` The row where the default paginator buttons are displayed. Has no effect if custom buttons are used. loop_pages: :class:`bool` Whether to loop the pages when clicking prev/next while at the first/last page in the list. custom_view: Optional[:class:`discord.ui.View`] A custom view whose items are appended below the pagination buttons. timeout: Optional[:class:`float`] Timeout in seconds from last interaction with the paginator before no longer accepting input. custom_buttons: Optional[List[:class:`PaginatorButton`]] A list of PaginatorButtons to initialize the Paginator with. If ``use_default_buttons`` is ``True``, this parameter is ignored. trigger_on_display: :class:`bool` Whether to automatically trigger the callback associated with a `Page` whenever it is displayed. Has no effect if no callback exists for a `Page`. """ def __init__( self, pages: (list[str] | list[Page] | list[list[discord.Embed] | discord.Embed]), label: str, description: str | None = None, emoji: str | discord.Emoji | discord.PartialEmoji = None, default: bool | None = None, show_disabled: bool | None = None, show_indicator: bool | None = None, author_check: bool | None = None, disable_on_timeout: bool | None = None, use_default_buttons: bool | None = None, default_button_row: int = 0, loop_pages: bool | None = None, custom_view: discord.ui.View | None = None, timeout: float | None = None, custom_buttons: list[PaginatorButton] | None = None, trigger_on_display: bool | None = None, ): self.label = label self.description: str | None = description self.emoji: str | discord.Emoji | discord.PartialEmoji = emoji self.pages: (list[str] | list[list[discord.Embed] | discord.Embed]) = pages self.default: bool | None = default self.show_disabled = show_disabled self.show_indicator = show_indicator self.author_check = author_check self.disable_on_timeout = disable_on_timeout self.use_default_buttons = use_default_buttons self.default_button_row = default_button_row self.loop_pages = loop_pages self.custom_view: discord.ui.View = custom_view self.timeout: float = timeout self.custom_buttons: list = custom_buttons self.trigger_on_display = trigger_on_display
[docs]class Paginator(discord.ui.View): """Creates a paginator which can be sent as a message and uses buttons for navigation. Parameters ---------- pages: Union[List[:class:`PageGroup`], List[:class:`Page`], List[:class:`str`], List[Union[List[:class:`discord.Embed`], :class:`discord.Embed`]]] The list of :class:`PageGroup` objects, :class:`Page` objects, strings, embeds, or list of embeds to paginate. If a list of :class:`PageGroup` objects is provided and `show_menu` is ``False``, only the first page group will be displayed. show_disabled: :class:`bool` Whether to show disabled buttons. show_indicator: :class:`bool` Whether to show the page indicator when using the default buttons. show_menu: :class:`bool` Whether to show a select menu that allows the user to switch between groups of pages. menu_placeholder: :class:`str` The placeholder text to show in the page group menu when no page group has been selected yet. Defaults to "Select Page Group" if not provided. author_check: :class:`bool` Whether only the original user of the command can change pages. disable_on_timeout: :class:`bool` Whether the buttons get disabled when the paginator view times out. use_default_buttons: :class:`bool` Whether to use the default buttons (i.e. ``first``, ``prev``, ``page_indicator``, ``next``, ``last``) default_button_row: :class:`int` The row where the default paginator buttons are displayed. Has no effect if custom buttons are used. loop_pages: :class:`bool` Whether to loop the pages when clicking prev/next while at the first/last page in the list. custom_view: Optional[:class:`discord.ui.View`] A custom view whose items are appended below the pagination components. If the currently displayed page has a `custom_view` assigned, it will replace these view components when that page is displayed. timeout: Optional[:class:`float`] Timeout in seconds from last interaction with the paginator before no longer accepting input. custom_buttons: Optional[List[:class:`PaginatorButton`]] A list of PaginatorButtons to initialize the Paginator with. If ``use_default_buttons`` is ``True``, this parameter is ignored. trigger_on_display: :class:`bool` Whether to automatically trigger the callback associated with a `Page` whenever it is displayed. Has no effect if no callback exists for a `Page`. Attributes ---------- menu: Optional[List[:class:`PaginatorMenu`]] The page group select menu associated with this paginator. page_groups: Optional[List[:class:`PageGroup`]] List of :class:`PageGroup` objects the user can switch between. default_page_group: Optional[:class:`int`] The index of the default page group shown when the paginator is initially sent. Defined by setting ``default`` to ``True`` on a :class:`PageGroup`. current_page: :class:`int` A zero-indexed value showing the current page number. page_count: :class:`int` A zero-indexed value showing the total number of pages. buttons: Dict[:class:`str`, Dict[:class:`str`, Union[:class:`~PaginatorButton`, :class:`bool`]]] A dictionary containing the :class:`~PaginatorButton` objects included in this paginator. user: Optional[Union[:class:`~discord.User`, :class:`~discord.Member`]] The user or member that invoked the paginator. message: Union[:class:`~discord.Message`, :class:`~discord.WebhookMessage`] The message the paginator is attached to. """ def __init__( self, pages: ( list[PageGroup] | list[Page] | list[str] | list[list[discord.Embed] | discord.Embed] ), show_disabled: bool = True, show_indicator=True, show_menu=False, menu_placeholder: str = "Select Page Group", author_check=True, disable_on_timeout=True, use_default_buttons=True, default_button_row: int = 0, loop_pages=False, custom_view: discord.ui.View | None = None, timeout: float | None = 180.0, custom_buttons: list[PaginatorButton] | None = None, trigger_on_display: bool | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(timeout=timeout) self.timeout: float = timeout self.pages: ( list[PageGroup] | list[str] | list[Page] | list[list[discord.Embed] | discord.Embed] ) = pages self.current_page = 0 PaginatorMenu | None = None self.show_menu = show_menu self.menu_placeholder = menu_placeholder self.page_groups: list[PageGroup] | None = None self.default_page_group: int = 0 if all(isinstance(pg, PageGroup) for pg in pages): self.page_groups = self.pages if show_menu else None if sum(pg.default is True for pg in self.page_groups) > 1: raise ValueError("Only one PageGroup can be set as the default.") for pg in self.page_groups: if pg.default: self.default_page_group = self.page_groups.index(pg) break self.pages: list[Page] = self.get_page_group_content( self.page_groups[self.default_page_group] ) self.page_count = max(len(self.pages) - 1, 0) self.buttons = {} self.custom_buttons: list = custom_buttons self.show_disabled = show_disabled self.show_indicator = show_indicator self.disable_on_timeout = disable_on_timeout self.use_default_buttons = use_default_buttons self.default_button_row = default_button_row self.loop_pages = loop_pages self.custom_view: discord.ui.View = custom_view self.trigger_on_display = trigger_on_display self.message: discord.Message | discord.WebhookMessage | None = None if self.custom_buttons and not self.use_default_buttons: for button in custom_buttons: self.add_button(button) elif not self.custom_buttons and self.use_default_buttons: self.add_default_buttons() if self.show_menu: self.add_menu() self.usercheck = author_check self.user = None
[docs] async def update( self, pages: None | ( list[PageGroup] | list[Page] | list[str] | list[list[discord.Embed] | discord.Embed] ) = None, show_disabled: bool | None = None, show_indicator: bool | None = None, show_menu: bool | None = None, author_check: bool | None = None, menu_placeholder: str | None = None, disable_on_timeout: bool | None = None, use_default_buttons: bool | None = None, default_button_row: int | None = None, loop_pages: bool | None = None, custom_view: discord.ui.View | None = None, timeout: float | None = None, custom_buttons: list[PaginatorButton] | None = None, trigger_on_display: bool | None = None, interaction: discord.Interaction | None = None, current_page: int = 0, ): """Updates the existing :class:`Paginator` instance with the provided options. Parameters ---------- pages: Optional[Union[List[:class:`PageGroup`], List[:class:`Page`], List[:class:`str`], List[Union[List[:class:`discord.Embed`], :class:`discord.Embed`]]]] The list of :class:`PageGroup` objects, :class:`Page` objects, strings, embeds, or list of embeds to paginate. show_disabled: :class:`bool` Whether to show disabled buttons. show_indicator: :class:`bool` Whether to show the page indicator when using the default buttons. show_menu: :class:`bool` Whether to show a select menu that allows the user to switch between groups of pages. author_check: :class:`bool` Whether only the original user of the command can change pages. menu_placeholder: :class:`str` The placeholder text to show in the page group menu when no page group has been selected yet. Defaults to "Select Page Group" if not provided. disable_on_timeout: :class:`bool` Whether the buttons get disabled when the paginator view times out. use_default_buttons: :class:`bool` Whether to use the default buttons (i.e. ``first``, ``prev``, ``page_indicator``, ``next``, ``last``) default_button_row: Optional[:class:`int`] The row where the default paginator buttons are displayed. Has no effect if custom buttons are used. loop_pages: :class:`bool` Whether to loop the pages when clicking prev/next while at the first/last page in the list. custom_view: Optional[:class:`discord.ui.View`] A custom view whose items are appended below the pagination components. timeout: Optional[:class:`float`] Timeout in seconds from last interaction with the paginator before no longer accepting input. custom_buttons: Optional[List[:class:`PaginatorButton`]] A list of PaginatorButtons to initialize the Paginator with. If ``use_default_buttons`` is ``True``, this parameter is ignored. trigger_on_display: :class:`bool` Whether to automatically trigger the callback associated with a `Page` whenever it is displayed. Has no effect if no callback exists for a `Page`. interaction: Optional[:class:`discord.Interaction`] The interaction to use when updating the paginator. If not provided, the paginator will be updated by using its stored :attr:`message` attribute instead. current_page: :class:`int` The initial page number to display when updating the paginator. """ # Update pages and reset current_page to 0 (default) self.pages: ( list[PageGroup] | list[str] | list[Page] | list[list[discord.Embed] | discord.Embed] ) = (pages if pages is not None else self.pages) self.show_menu = show_menu if show_menu is not None else self.show_menu if pages is not None and all(isinstance(pg, PageGroup) for pg in pages): self.page_groups = self.pages if self.show_menu else None if sum(pg.default is True for pg in self.page_groups) > 1: raise ValueError("Only one PageGroup can be set as the default.") for pg in self.page_groups: if pg.default: self.default_page_group = self.page_groups.index(pg) break self.pages: list[Page] = self.get_page_group_content( self.page_groups[self.default_page_group] ) self.page_count = max(len(self.pages) - 1, 0) self.current_page = current_page if current_page <= self.page_count else 0 # Apply config changes, if specified self.show_disabled = ( show_disabled if show_disabled is not None else self.show_disabled ) self.show_indicator = ( show_indicator if show_indicator is not None else self.show_indicator ) self.usercheck = author_check if author_check is not None else self.usercheck self.menu_placeholder = ( menu_placeholder if menu_placeholder is not None else self.menu_placeholder ) self.disable_on_timeout = ( disable_on_timeout if disable_on_timeout is not None else self.disable_on_timeout ) self.use_default_buttons = ( use_default_buttons if use_default_buttons is not None else self.use_default_buttons ) self.default_button_row = ( default_button_row if default_button_row is not None else self.default_button_row ) self.loop_pages = loop_pages if loop_pages is not None else self.loop_pages self.custom_view: discord.ui.View = None if custom_view is None else custom_view self.timeout: float = timeout if timeout is not None else self.timeout self.trigger_on_display = ( trigger_on_display if trigger_on_display is not None else self.trigger_on_display ) if custom_buttons and not self.use_default_buttons: self.buttons = {} for button in custom_buttons: self.add_button(button) else: self.buttons = {} self.add_default_buttons() await self.goto_page(self.current_page, interaction=interaction)
[docs] async def on_timeout(self) -> None: """Disables all buttons when the view times out.""" if self.disable_on_timeout: for item in self.children: item.disabled = True page = self.pages[self.current_page] page = self.get_page_content(page) files = page.update_files() await self.message.edit( view=self, files=files or [], attachments=[], )
[docs] async def disable( self, include_custom: bool = False, page: None | (str | Page | list[discord.Embed] | discord.Embed) = None, ) -> None: """Stops the paginator, disabling all of its components. Parameters ---------- include_custom: :class:`bool` Whether to disable components added via custom views. page: Optional[Union[:class:`str`, Union[List[:class:`discord.Embed`], :class:`discord.Embed`]]] The page content to show after disabling the paginator. """ page = self.get_page_content(page) for item in self.children: if ( include_custom or not self.custom_view or item not in self.custom_view.children ): item.disabled = True if page: await self.message.edit( content=page.content, embeds=page.embeds, view=self, ) else: await self.message.edit(view=self)
[docs] async def cancel( self, include_custom: bool = False, page: None | (str | Page | list[discord.Embed] | discord.Embed) = None, ) -> None: """Cancels the paginator, removing all of its components from the message. Parameters ---------- include_custom: :class:`bool` Whether to remove components added via custom views. page: Optional[Union[:class:`str`, Union[List[:class:`discord.Embed`], :class:`discord.Embed`]]] The page content to show after canceling the paginator. """ items = self.children.copy() page = self.get_page_content(page) for item in items: if ( include_custom or not self.custom_view or item not in self.custom_view.children ): self.remove_item(item) if page: await self.message.edit( content=page.content, embeds=page.embeds, view=self, ) else: await self.message.edit(view=self)
[docs] async def goto_page( self, page_number: int = 0, *, interaction: discord.Interaction | None = None ) -> None: """Updates the paginator message to show the specified page number. Parameters ---------- page_number: :class:`int` The page to display. .. note:: Page numbers are zero-indexed when referenced internally, but appear as one-indexed when shown to the user. interaction: Optional[:class:`discord.Interaction`] The interaction to use when editing the message. If not provided, the message will be edited using the paginator's stored :attr:`message` attribute instead. Returns ------- :class:`~discord.Message` The message associated with the paginator. """ self.update_buttons() self.current_page = page_number if self.show_indicator: self.buttons["page_indicator"][ "object" ].label = f"{self.current_page + 1}/{self.page_count + 1}" page = self.pages[page_number] page = self.get_page_content(page) if page.custom_view: self.update_custom_view(page.custom_view) files = page.update_files() if interaction: await interaction.response.defer() # needed to force webhook message edit route for files kwarg support await interaction.followup.edit_message(, content=page.content, embeds=page.embeds, attachments=[], files=files or [], view=self, ) else: await self.message.edit( content=page.content, embeds=page.embeds, attachments=[], files=files or [], view=self, ) if self.trigger_on_display: await self.page_action(interaction=interaction)
[docs] async def interaction_check(self, interaction: discord.Interaction) -> bool: if self.usercheck: return self.user == interaction.user return True
[docs] def add_menu(self): """Adds the default :class:`PaginatorMenu` instance to the paginator.""" = PaginatorMenu(self.page_groups, placeholder=self.menu_placeholder) = self self.add_item(
[docs] def add_default_buttons(self): """Adds the full list of default buttons that can be used with the paginator. Includes ``first``, ``prev``, ``page_indicator``, ``next``, and ``last``. """ default_buttons = [ PaginatorButton( "first", label="<<", style=discord.ButtonStyle.blurple, row=self.default_button_row, ), PaginatorButton( "prev", label="<",, loop_label="↪", row=self.default_button_row, ), PaginatorButton( "page_indicator", style=discord.ButtonStyle.gray, disabled=True, row=self.default_button_row, ), PaginatorButton( "next", label=">",, loop_label="↩", row=self.default_button_row, ), PaginatorButton( "last", label=">>", style=discord.ButtonStyle.blurple, row=self.default_button_row, ), ] for button in default_buttons: self.add_button(button)
[docs] def add_button(self, button: PaginatorButton): """Adds a :class:`PaginatorButton` to the paginator.""" self.buttons[button.button_type] = { "object": discord.ui.Button(, label=( button.label if button.label or button.emoji else ( button.button_type.capitalize() if button.button_type != "page_indicator" else f"{self.current_page + 1}/{self.page_count + 1}" ) ), disabled=button.disabled, custom_id=button.custom_id, emoji=button.emoji, row=button.row, ), "label": button.label, "loop_label": button.loop_label, "hidden": ( button.disabled if button.button_type != "page_indicator" else not self.show_indicator ), } self.buttons[button.button_type]["object"].callback = button.callback button.paginator = self
[docs] def remove_button(self, button_type: str): """Removes a :class:`PaginatorButton` from the paginator.""" if button_type not in self.buttons.keys(): raise ValueError( f"no button_type {button_type} was found in this paginator." ) self.buttons.pop(button_type)
[docs] def update_buttons(self) -> dict: """Updates the display state of the buttons (disabled/hidden) Returns ------- Dict[:class:`str`, Dict[:class:`str`, Union[:class:`~PaginatorButton`, :class:`bool`]]] The dictionary of buttons that were updated. """ for key, button in self.buttons.items(): if key == "first": if self.current_page <= 1: button["hidden"] = True elif self.current_page >= 1: button["hidden"] = False elif key == "last": if self.current_page >= self.page_count - 1: button["hidden"] = True if self.current_page < self.page_count - 1: button["hidden"] = False elif key == "next": if self.current_page == self.page_count: if not self.loop_pages: button["hidden"] = True button["object"].label = button["label"] else: button["object"].label = button["loop_label"] elif self.current_page < self.page_count: button["hidden"] = False button["object"].label = button["label"] elif key == "prev": if self.current_page <= 0: if not self.loop_pages: button["hidden"] = True button["object"].label = button["label"] else: button["object"].label = button["loop_label"] elif self.current_page >= 0: button["hidden"] = False button["object"].label = button["label"] self.clear_items() if self.show_indicator: self.buttons["page_indicator"][ "object" ].label = f"{self.current_page + 1}/{self.page_count + 1}" for key, button in self.buttons.items(): if key != "page_indicator": if button["hidden"]: button["object"].disabled = True if self.show_disabled: self.add_item(button["object"]) else: button["object"].disabled = False self.add_item(button["object"]) elif self.show_indicator: self.add_item(button["object"]) if self.show_menu: self.add_menu() # We're done adding standard buttons and menus, so we can now add any specified custom view items below them # The bot developer should handle row assignments for their view before passing it to Paginator if self.custom_view: self.update_custom_view(self.custom_view) return self.buttons
[docs] def update_custom_view(self, custom_view: discord.ui.View): """Updates the custom view shown on the paginator.""" if isinstance(self.custom_view, discord.ui.View): for item in self.custom_view.children: self.remove_item(item) for item in custom_view.children: self.add_item(item)
[docs] def get_page_group_content(self, page_group: PageGroup) -> list[Page]: """Returns a converted list of `Page` objects for the given page group based on the content of its pages.""" return [self.get_page_content(page) for page in page_group.pages]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_page_content( page: Page | str | discord.Embed | list[discord.Embed], ) -> Page: """Converts a page into a :class:`Page` object based on its content.""" if isinstance(page, Page): return page elif isinstance(page, str): return Page(content=page, embeds=[], files=[]) elif isinstance(page, discord.Embed): return Page(content=None, embeds=[page], files=[]) elif isinstance(page, discord.File): return Page(content=None, embeds=[], files=[page]) elif isinstance(page, List): if all(isinstance(x, discord.Embed) for x in page): return Page(content=None, embeds=page, files=[]) if all(isinstance(x, discord.File) for x in page): return Page(content=None, embeds=[], files=page) else: raise TypeError("All list items must be embeds or files.") else: raise TypeError( "Page content must be a Page object, string, an embed, a list of" " embeds, a file, or a list of files." )
[docs] async def page_action(self, interaction: discord.Interaction | None = None) -> None: """Triggers the callback associated with the current page, if any. Parameters ---------- interaction: Optional[:class:`discord.Interaction`] The interaction that was used to trigger the page action. """ if self.get_page_content(self.pages[self.current_page]).callback: await self.get_page_content(self.pages[self.current_page]).callback( interaction=interaction )
[docs] async def send( self, ctx: Context, target: | None = None, target_message: str | None = None, reference: None | (discord.Message | discord.MessageReference | discord.PartialMessage) = None, allowed_mentions: discord.AllowedMentions | None = None, mention_author: bool | None = None, delete_after: float | None = None, ) -> discord.Message: """Sends a message with the paginated items. Parameters ---------- ctx: Union[:class:`~discord.ext.commands.Context`] A command's invocation context. target: Optional[:class:``] A target where the paginated message should be sent, if different from the original :class:`Context` target_message: Optional[:class:`str`] An optional message shown when the paginator message is sent elsewhere. reference: Optional[Union[:class:`discord.Message`, :class:`discord.MessageReference`, :class:`discord.PartialMessage`]] A reference to the :class:`~discord.Message` to which you are replying with the paginator. This can be created using :meth:`~discord.Message.to_reference` or passed directly as a :class:`~discord.Message`. You can control whether this mentions the author of the referenced message using the :attr:`~discord.AllowedMentions.replied_user` attribute of ``allowed_mentions`` or by setting ``mention_author``. allowed_mentions: Optional[:class:`~discord.AllowedMentions`] Controls the mentions being processed in this message. If this is passed, then the object is merged with :attr:`~discord.Client.allowed_mentions`. The merging behaviour only overrides attributes that have been explicitly passed to the object, otherwise it uses the attributes set in :attr:`~discord.Client.allowed_mentions`. If no object is passed at all then the defaults given by :attr:`~discord.Client.allowed_mentions` are used instead. mention_author: Optional[:class:`bool`] If set, overrides the :attr:`~discord.AllowedMentions.replied_user` attribute of ``allowed_mentions``. delete_after: Optional[:class:`float`] If set, deletes the paginator after the specified time. Returns ------- :class:`~discord.Message` The message that was sent with the paginator. """ if not isinstance(ctx, Context): raise TypeError(f"expected Context not {ctx.__class__!r}") if target is not None and not isinstance(target, raise TypeError(f"expected abc.Messageable not {target.__class__!r}") if reference is not None and not isinstance( reference, (discord.Message, discord.MessageReference, discord.PartialMessage), ): raise TypeError( "expected Message, MessageReference, or PartialMessage not" f" {reference.__class__!r}" ) if allowed_mentions is not None and not isinstance( allowed_mentions, discord.AllowedMentions ): raise TypeError( f"expected AllowedMentions not {allowed_mentions.__class__!r}" ) if mention_author is not None and not isinstance(mention_author, bool): raise TypeError(f"expected bool not {mention_author.__class__!r}") self.update_buttons() page = self.pages[self.current_page] page_content = self.get_page_content(page) if page_content.custom_view: self.update_custom_view(page_content.custom_view) self.user = if target: if target_message: await ctx.send( target_message, reference=reference, allowed_mentions=allowed_mentions, mention_author=mention_author, ) ctx = target self.message = await ctx.send( content=page_content.content, embeds=page_content.embeds, files=page_content.files, view=self, reference=reference, allowed_mentions=allowed_mentions, mention_author=mention_author, delete_after=delete_after, ) return self.message
[docs] async def edit( self, message: discord.Message, suppress: bool | None = None, allowed_mentions: discord.AllowedMentions | None = None, delete_after: float | None = None, ) -> discord.Message | None: """Edits an existing message to replace it with the paginator contents. .. note:: If invoked from an interaction, you will still need to respond to the interaction. Parameters ---------- message: :class:`discord.Message` The message to edit with the paginator. suppress: :class:`bool` Whether to suppress embeds for the message. This removes all the embeds if set to ``True``. If set to ``False`` this brings the embeds back if they were suppressed. Using this parameter requires :attr:`~.Permissions.manage_messages`. allowed_mentions: Optional[:class:`~discord.AllowedMentions`] Controls the mentions being processed in this message. If this is passed, then the object is merged with :attr:`~discord.Client.allowed_mentions`. The merging behaviour only overrides attributes that have been explicitly passed to the object, otherwise it uses the attributes set in :attr:`~discord.Client.allowed_mentions`. If no object is passed at all then the defaults given by :attr:`~discord.Client.allowed_mentions` are used instead. delete_after: Optional[:class:`float`] If set, deletes the paginator after the specified time. Returns ------- Optional[:class:`discord.Message`] The message that was edited. Returns ``None`` if the operation failed. """ if not isinstance(message, discord.Message): raise TypeError(f"expected Message not {message.__class__!r}") self.update_buttons() page: Page | str | discord.Embed | list[discord.Embed] = self.pages[ self.current_page ] page_content: Page = self.get_page_content(page) if page_content.custom_view: self.update_custom_view(page_content.custom_view) self.user = try: self.message = await message.edit( content=page_content.content, embeds=page_content.embeds, files=page_content.files, attachments=[], view=self, suppress=suppress, allowed_mentions=allowed_mentions, delete_after=delete_after, ) except (discord.NotFound, discord.Forbidden): pass return self.message
[docs] async def respond( self, interaction: discord.Interaction | BridgeContext, ephemeral: bool = False, target: | None = None, target_message: str = "Paginator sent!", ) -> discord.Message | discord.WebhookMessage: """Sends an interaction response or followup with the paginated items. Parameters ---------- interaction: Union[:class:`discord.Interaction`, :class:`BridgeContext`] The interaction or BridgeContext which invoked the paginator. If passing a BridgeContext object, you cannot make this an ephemeral paginator. ephemeral: :class:`bool` Whether the paginator message and its components are ephemeral. If ``target`` is specified, the ephemeral message content will be ``target_message`` instead. .. warning:: If your paginator is ephemeral, it cannot have a timeout longer than 15 minutes (and cannot be persistent). target: Optional[:class:``] A target where the paginated message should be sent, if different from the original :class:`discord.Interaction` target_message: :class:`str` The content of the interaction response shown when the paginator message is sent elsewhere. Returns ------- Union[:class:`~discord.Message`, :class:`~discord.WebhookMessage`] The :class:`~discord.Message` or :class:`~discord.WebhookMessage` that was sent with the paginator. """ if not isinstance(interaction, (discord.Interaction, BridgeContext)): raise TypeError( f"expected Interaction or BridgeContext, not {interaction.__class__!r}" ) if target is not None and not isinstance(target, raise TypeError(f"expected abc.Messageable not {target.__class__!r}") if ephemeral and (self.timeout >= 900 or self.timeout is None): raise ValueError( "paginator responses cannot be ephemeral if the paginator timeout is 15" " minutes or greater" ) self.update_buttons() page: Page | str | discord.Embed | list[discord.Embed] = self.pages[ self.current_page ] page_content: Page = self.get_page_content(page) if page_content.custom_view: self.update_custom_view(page_content.custom_view) if isinstance(interaction, discord.Interaction): self.user = interaction.user if target: await interaction.response.send_message( target_message, ephemeral=ephemeral ) msg = await target.send( content=page_content.content, embeds=page_content.embeds, files=page_content.files, view=self, ) elif interaction.response.is_done(): msg = await interaction.followup.send( content=page_content.content, embeds=page_content.embeds, files=page_content.files, view=self, ephemeral=ephemeral, ) # convert from WebhookMessage to Message reference to bypass # 15min webhook token timeout (non-ephemeral messages only) if not ephemeral: msg = await else: msg = await interaction.response.send_message( content=page_content.content, embeds=page_content.embeds, files=page_content.files, view=self, ephemeral=ephemeral, ) else: ctx = interaction self.user = if target: await ctx.respond(target_message, ephemeral=ephemeral) msg = await ctx.send( content=page_content.content, embeds=page_content.embeds, files=page_content.files, view=self, ) else: msg = await ctx.respond( content=page_content.content, embeds=page_content.embeds, files=page_content.files, view=self, ) if isinstance(msg, (discord.Message, discord.WebhookMessage)): self.message = msg elif isinstance(msg, discord.Interaction): self.message = await msg.original_response() return self.message
[docs]class PaginatorMenu(discord.ui.Select): """Creates a select menu used to switch between page groups, which can each have their own set of buttons. Parameters ---------- placeholder: :class:`str` The placeholder text that is shown if nothing is selected. Attributes ---------- paginator: :class:`Paginator` The paginator class where this menu is being used. Assigned to the menu when ``Paginator.add_menu`` is called. """ def __init__( self, page_groups: list[PageGroup], placeholder: str | None = None, custom_id: str | None = None, ): self.page_groups = page_groups self.paginator: Paginator | None = None opts = [ discord.SelectOption( label=page_group.label, value=page_group.label, description=page_group.description, emoji=page_group.emoji, ) for page_group in self.page_groups ] super().__init__( placeholder=placeholder, max_values=1, min_values=1, options=opts, custom_id=custom_id, )
[docs] async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): """|coro| The coroutine that is called when a menu option is selected. Parameters ---------- interaction: :class:`discord.Interaction` The interaction created by selecting the menu option. """ selection = self.values[0] for page_group in self.page_groups: if selection == page_group.label: return await self.paginator.update( pages=page_group.pages, show_disabled=page_group.show_disabled, show_indicator=page_group.show_indicator, author_check=page_group.author_check, disable_on_timeout=page_group.disable_on_timeout, use_default_buttons=page_group.use_default_buttons, default_button_row=page_group.default_button_row, loop_pages=page_group.loop_pages, custom_view=page_group.custom_view, timeout=page_group.timeout, custom_buttons=page_group.custom_buttons, trigger_on_display=page_group.trigger_on_display, interaction=interaction, )