Source code for discord.object

# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, SupportsInt, Union

from . import utils
from .mixins import Hashable

    import datetime

    SupportsIntCast = Union[SupportsInt, str, bytes, bytearray]

__all__ = ("Object",)

[docs]class Object(Hashable): """Represents a generic Discord object. The purpose of this class is to allow you to create 'miniature' versions of data classes if you want to pass in just an ID. Most functions that take in a specific data class with an ID can also take in this class as a substitute instead. Note that even though this is the case, not all objects (if any) actually inherit from this class. There are also some cases where some WebSocket events are received in :dpy-issue:`strange order <21>` and when such events happened you would receive this class rather than the actual data class. These cases are extremely rare. .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two objects are equal. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two objects are not equal. .. describe:: hash(x) Returns the object's hash. Attributes ---------- id: :class:`int` The ID of the object. """ def __init__(self, id: SupportsIntCast): try: id = int(id) except ValueError: raise TypeError( f"id parameter must be convertible to int not {id.__class__!r}" ) from None else: = id def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Object id={!r}>" @property def created_at(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Returns the snowflake's creation time in UTC.""" return utils.snowflake_time( @property def worker_id(self) -> int: """Returns the worker id that made the snowflake.""" return ( & 0x3E0000) >> 17 @property def process_id(self) -> int: """Returns the process id that made the snowflake.""" return ( & 0x1F000) >> 12 @property def increment_id(self) -> int: """Returns the increment id that made the snowflake.""" return & 0xFFF